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Oct 22, 2019

Totally Kyle and Just Steve seem to remember how to podcast.  They are back from Hiatus and still aren't experts.

Jun 5, 2019

Totally Kyle and Just Steve talk Batman The Last Knight on Earth, well for pretty much the whole episode.  They did talk about other things, but then they started talking comics again.


May 28, 2019

Totally Kyle and Just Steve continue on their quests to talk about comics they've read.  This time they talk The Flash Year One, The Batman Who Laughs, Dark Nights Metal, and about Tom King leaving his Batman run.  Also they talk about Game of Thrones.  They conclude that Bran is a dick.

May 21, 2019

Totally Kyle and Just Steve sit down to talk with Jonathan Glapion, who has been working in the comic industry for over 20 years as an artist and inker.



Apr 26, 2019

On this episode Totally Kyle and Just Steve tackle the juice of the White Walker, while talking about The Flash, The Batman Who Laughs, and yes...buttholes. Don't ask, just enjoy!